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Everything Model dioramas beautifully and precisely capture the entirety of an original scene. To create these perfect scale replicas of models, we use the finest quality casting scaled resin model kits that replicate our perfectly designed patterns in every detail. 3D printing parts, CAD design and CNC machining are combined with traditional machining and hand working techniques to perfectly replicate the models interior and exterior finishes. We also take base around reference photographs, capturing every aspect and detail of each model in order to completely understand and replicate the finishes and detailing.

Model makers tend to be obsessives. We have an inbuilt desire to make tiny things that capture beautiful designs. It’s an unusual example of the traditional patron and artisan relationship. We 3D print, machine and handcraft each component using authentic materials where possible. We finish each part with real automotive paint and apply specially made decal finishes to represent aluminium polish patterns, leather grains, carbonfibre parts, weatherings and patinas. Our mission is to create a model that represents the scene as accurately and perfectly as possible. There is no limit on how long we take to make each part and create each detail. We know it’s finished when it’s right. The only benchmark we have is the target we have set ourselves. We always want to take each new model to a higher level. That’s what drives us. We keep on exploring and finding new ways to make even more perfect models that capture the real plane, car or ship even more precisely.

Each subsequent model takes between 50 and 200 hours to cast, fit, fettle, paint and build. Our atelier creates design models, special projects, and one-off models of extremely high value. We have developed the highest and most innovative modelmaking skills and techniques known in the world. We are continually striving to reach new levels of craftsmanship and to create masterpieces of model-making art with enduring value.


Rasimpasa Mahallesi Hayrullah Efendi Sokak No:19/A
Kadıköy Istanbul PK.34734
T.+90 535 506 76 39  |
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