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Apollo 11 Lunar Module "EAGLE"

Apollo 11 Lunar Module "EAGLE"


''Houston, this is Tranquility Base. The eagle has landed.''

Bu sözlerle dünya, insanın nihayet aya ulastıgını duydu. Apollo 11 ay modülü "Kartal" kalkısından 4 gün sonra 20 Temmuz 1969'da Ay’a basarıyla indi ve Neil Armstrong, aya ayak basan ilk kisi olarak tarihe geçti.



"Houston, this is Tranquility Base. The Eagle has landed."

With these words, the world heard that man had finally reached the moon. The Apollo 11 lunar module "Eagle" landed on July 20, 1969, becoming the first habitation on the moon. Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon.

Stok kodu: 012
  • Descriptions:

    • Moon surface diorama base
    • Oak wood frame 
    • Full UV 4mm glass cover
    • Display Case Diameter: L.400mm / W.250mm / H.220mm
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