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Apollo 11 SATURN V

Apollo 11 SATURN V


16 Temmuz 1969 tarihinde saat sabah 9.32’de fırlatılan devasa “Saturn V” roketi insanlık tarihinin en önemli seyahatine çıktı.110 metre uzunlugundaki ”Saturn V” roketi 3 ayrı bölümden olusmaktadır. Devasa 5 motorunun sagladıgı güç ile 50 ton tasıma kapasiteli 3000 ton agırlıgındaki roket 40.320km/h hızla 394.000 km’lik Ay yolculugunu 72 saatte tamamlamıstır. Ilk olarak alçak Dünya yörüngesine ulasan aracın en alt “Itis Bölümü” ayrılarak Ay’a gidis için ikinci bölüm ateslenir. Son olarak Ay yörüngesine girildiginde M. Collins’in kumanda ettigi “Apollo Uzay Aracı” roketten ayrılır, dönerek roketin içinde muhafaza edilen “Lunar Module” e baglanır. Neil Armstrong and E. Aldrin’in içinde bulundugu “Lunar Module” Apollo’dan ayrılarak Ay’a inis yapar.



On July 16, 1969, at 9:32 a.m., the gigantic Saturn V was launched from Cape Canaveral, the most significant voyage in human history. The giant Saturn V consisted of three main stages, was 110 meters high and weighed 3,000 tons. It could carry a payload of 50 tons and reached a speed of 40.320 km/h. The 394,000 km journey to the moon took 72 hours. After reaching low Earth orbit, the upper assembly with the Apollo capsule received thrust from the third stage of the launch vehicle to reach flight speed to the Moon. Later, the Apollo assembly detached from the rocket, rotated, and pulled the lunar module out of its protective envelope. Thus coupled together, this unit arrived at the Moon and veered into lunar orbit. After several lunar orbits, the lunar module separated from the command module with astronauts N. Armstrong and E. Aldrin on board separated from the command module in which only astronaut M. Collins remained.

Stok kodu: 058
  • Descriptions:

    • Launch fire effect (illuminated) diorama 
    • Limited Edition Saturn V 
    • Model Diameters: H.1140mm
    • Diorama Diameters: L. 400mm / W.400mm / H. 210mm
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