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SS-100 Gigant Transporter & V2 Rocket

SS-100 Gigant Transporter & V2 Rocket


SS-100 Gigant traktör ve Meiller arabasının birlesimiyle V2 üniteleri, büyük balistik füze için özel bir tasıma aracına sahiptir.V-2 (Almanca: Vergeltungswaffe 2, Anlam: "Intikam silahı", Resmî adı: Aggregat 4, kısaca; A4), ilk balistik füze ve uzaya ulasan ilk insan yapısı alet.Tüm modern füzelerin atası olan V2 füzesinin tasarım mühendisi Wernher von Braun II. Dünya Savasından sonra Amerika’ya giderek çalısmalarına uzaya roket göndermek amacıyla devam etmis ve Ay'a gönderilen “Saturn V” roketini yaratan tasarımcı mühendisi olmustur.

Fırlatma sırasında V-2'nin A-4 motoru 65 saniye boyunca kendi gücüyle çalısmakta, daha sonra füze belli bir açıya geldiginde otomatik olarak kapatılmaktadır. Daha sonra füze, balistik bir yol izleyerek yere düsmektedir.

Ilki 8 Eylül 1944'te Paris'e atılan V-2 füzeleri, son kullanıldıgı 17 Mart 1945 tarihine kadar 3172 adet fırlatılmıstır. Bunların 1664'ü Belçika, 1402'si Birlesik Krallık, 76'sı Fransa, 19'u Hollanda, 11'i ise Almanya topraklarına düsmüstür. V2 roketlerinin vurdugu hedeflerde toplam 9000 sivil ve asker ölmüstür. Yeri belli olmaması için yerin altına insa edilen V2 roket fabrikasının insaatında ve yerin altındaki zorlu üretim sartlarında çalıstırılan 12000 tutsak yasamını yitirmistir.



The V-2 (German: Vergeltungswaffe), with the technical name “Aggregat 4” (A4), was the world's first long-range guided ballistic missile. The missile, powered by a liquid-propellant rocket engine, was developed during the Second World War in Germany as a "vengeance weapon" and assigned to attack Allied cities as retaliation for the Allied bombings against German cities. The V-2 rocket also became the first artificial object to travel into space by crossing the Kármán line with the vertical launch of MW 18014 on 20 June 1944.[5]

Research into military use of long-range rockets began when the graduate studies of Wernher von Braun attracted the attention of the German Army. A series of prototypes culminated in the A-4, which went to war as the V-2. Beginning in September 1944, over 3,172 V-2’s were launched by the German Wehrmacht against Allied targets, first London and later Antwerp and Liège. According to a 2011 BBC documentary, the attacks from V-2’s resulted in the deaths of an estimated 9,000 civilians and military personnel, and a further 12,000 forced laborers and concentration camp prisoners died as a result of their forced participation in the production of the weapons.

The rockets travelled at supersonic speed, impacted without audible warning, and proved unstoppable, as no effective defense existed. Teams from the Allied forces the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union raced to seize key German manufacturing facilities, procure Germany's missile technology, and capture the V-2's launching sites. Von Braun and over 100 key V-2 personnel surrendered to the Americans, and many of the original V-2 team ended up working at the Redstone Arsenal. The US also captured enough V-2 hardware to build approximately 80 of the missiles. The Soviets gained possession of the V-2 manufacturing facilities after the war, re-established V-2 production, and moved it to the Soviet Union

Stok kodu: 028
  • Descriptions:

    • Customizable landscape diorama base ( Snow, Mud)
    • Oak wood frame
    • Full, 4mm UV glass box
    • Model Diameters: L. 255mm / W. 112mm
    • Display Cabinet Diameters: L. 350mm / W.200mm / H. 150mm
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